The following rules are specific to Orem Youth Baseball. All other governing rules are found in the Pony Baseball Rules and Regulations book and the Official Rules of Major League Baseball book.
Click here for Pony Baseball Rules
Click here for Official Rules of Major League Baseball
As stated in Section 10 “Pitching Rules” and T-8 “Tournament Pitching,” any team member may pitch, subject to the restrictions of the pitch count, as recommended by MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines, for age divisions. Pitchers are to adhere to the chart below for league and sanction tournament play:

*No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch count. If a pitcher has the available pitches, a pitcher could pitch in two (2) games in a day.
Pitchers reaching their maximum number of pitches in a day, while pitching to a batter, may finish pitching to that batter before being removed. A pitcher is charged with the number of pitches in the specific calendar day and week in which they are pitched, regardless of whether they are local organization league games, the playoff of postponed games or suspended games, tie games, or exhibition games.
Rest is calculated as per calendar day. No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch count.
Other then in cases that an official scorekeeper is assigned by league, the home team book shall be the official record of games statistics including pitch count. Electronic scoring devices are recommended at all levels of tournament play in order to ensure accurate pitch count.
Any pitcher withdrawn from the mound and/or lineup, or a pitcher who is withdrawn from the mound and stays in the game at another position, shall not be permitted to pitch again in the same game.
Pitch count records must be kept by both teams. Home team record will be considered official record.
Official Pitch Count Chart to be used for games:
9-10 yr olds (Single A & Double A)
11-14 yr olds (Triple A & Major & Pony)
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last six (6) innings or 1 hour 20 minutes, whichever comes first.
- Pitch mercy rule: If a player does not strike or is not put out, they will be allowed five (5) pitches to help speed up play. The player will not be counted out, but must return to the bench. If player fowls the 5th or subsequent pitches they will receive another pitch until the ball is in play or a strike by missing or not swinging.
- You may have all players on the field – one (1) catcher, (5) infielders including pitchers mound and remainder in the outfielders.
- Only one (1) player may be positioned at pitcher’s mound. This player MUST be placed behind the pitching machine and on either the right or left with one foot on the dirt portion of the mound. The remainder should be distributed around the infield and outfield.
- One (1) base on an overthrow, even if the ball remains in the playing field.
- If a ball is hit into the outfield, the play is stopped once the ball is thrown to the infield.
- Instruct fielders that they cannot block base paths. Encourage runners to slide at home plate when a play is being made.
- Only one player from the batting team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- CUPS: Catchers are encouraged to wear cups.
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game, and they must umpire one game before returning to their team.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire/coach judgment.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins.
- MERCY INNING: 5 runs per half inning: After 5 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 5 runs be scored.
- MERCY RULE: Not keeping score so no mercy rule other than the mercy inning rule.
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last 6 innings or will end at the appointed time (1 hours, 30 minutes).
- Tee use: Single A 9-10 year-olds will use a Tee after first walk each inning.
- The ball must travel at least five (5) feet from the “T” for it to be in play.
- Only one player from the batting team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- CUPS: All male catchers in the SINGLE A Minor Division must wear a cup.
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- Each game will start on time. If a team has less than eight (8) players at game time, then they become the visiting team and bat first. If after their at bat or 15 minutes after game start time they still do not have eight (8) players, then the game will be called a forfeit.Teams with 8 players will not be charged an out for missing player when he is up to bat.
- If you know beforehand that you cannot field a team of 9 players, contact the division commissioner for a list of players you can bring up from a younger division.
- If you bring up a player, they cannot pitch or play catcher. They also should bat at the end of the lineup. Substitute players must exit the game if enough additional regular team players arrive to fill a full roster.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game, and they must umpire one game before returning to their team.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire judgment.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins
- If play ends with both teams tied, then international tie breaker rules will be applied during extra innings. Last batter at 2nd with no outs.
- No balk rule is enforced.
- No lead offs. No steals even on a past ball.
- Dropped 3rd strike is an out.
- MERCY INNING: 5 runs per half inning: After 5 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 5 runs be scored. In the last inning the 5 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last 6 innings or will end at the appointed time (1 hours, 30 minutes).
- Only one player from the batting team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- CUPS: All male catchers in the AA Minor Division must wear a cup.
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- Each game will start on time. If a team has less than eight (8) players at game time, then they become the visiting team and bat first. If after their at bat or 15 minutes after game start time they still do not have eight (8) players, then the game will be called a forfeit. Teams with 8 players will not be charged an out for missing player when he is up to bat.
- If you know beforehand that you cannot field a team of 9 players, contact the division commissioner for a list of players you can bring up from a younger division.
- If you bring up a player, they cannot pitch or play catcher. They also should bat at the end of the lineup. Substitute players must exit the game if enough additional regular team players arrive to fill a full roster.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game, and they must umpire one game before returning to their team.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire judgment.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins
- If play ends with both teams tied, then international tie breaker rules will be applied during extra innings. Last batter at 2nd with no outs.
- No balk rule is enforced.
- No lead offs. Runner may leave base after the pitch either reaches the catchers glove or passes the catcher. NO DELAYED STEAL.
- Dropped 3rd strike is an out.
- MERCY INNING: 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored. In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last 6 innings or will end at the appointed time (1 hours, 30 minutes).
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- Only one player from the batting team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- A courtesy runner (who shall be the batter that made the second out) is recommended to run for the catcher where there are two (2) outs and the catcher is on base.
- CUPS: All male catchers in the AAA Division MUST wear a cup.
- Each game will start on time. If a team has less than eight (8) players at game time, then they become the visiting team and bat first. If after their at bat and 15 minutes after game start time they still do not have eight (8) players, then the game will be called a forfeit. Teams with 8 players will not be charged an out for missing player when he is up to bat.
- If you know beforehand that you cannot field a team of 9 players, contact the division commissioner for a list of players you can bring up from a younger division.
- If you bring up a player, they cannot pitch or play catcher. They also should bat at the end of the lineup. Substitute players must exit the game if enough additional regular team players arrive to fill a full roster.
- No taunting, profanity, throwing of equipment or charging the umpire. Also, no yelling or screaming from the dugout at players and umpires.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game, and they must umpire one game before returning to their team.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire judgment.
- If there is a protest on a rule interpretation, it must be lodged before the next pitch.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins.
- If play ends with both teams tied, then international tie breaker rules will be applied during extra innings. Last batter at 2nd with no outs.
- No balk rule is enforced.
- No lead offs. Runner may leave base after the pitch either reaches the catchers glove or passes the catcher. NO DELAYED STEAL.
- Dropped 3rd strike is an out.
- MERCY INNING: 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored. In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.
MAJOR DIVISION (11-12 Competition)
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last 6 innings or will end at the appointed time (1 hours, 30 minutes).
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- Only one player from the batting team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- A courtesy runner (who shall be the batter that made the second out) is recommended to run for the catcher where there are two (2) outs and the catcher is on base.
- CUPS: All male catchers in the Majors Division MUST wear a cup.
- Each game will start on time. If a team has less than eight (8) players at game time, then they become the visiting team and bat first. If after their at bat and 15 minutes after game start time they still do not have eight (8) players, then the game will be called a forfeit. Teams with 8 players will not be charged an out for missing player when he is up to bat.
- If you know beforehand that you cannot field a team of 9 players, contact the division commissioner for a list of players you can bring up from a younger division.
- If you bring up a player, they cannot pitch or play catcher. They also should bat at the end of the lineup. Substitute players must exit the game if enough additional regular team players arrive to fill a full roster.
- No taunting, profanity, throwing of equipment or charging the umpire. Also, no yelling or screaming from the dugout at players and umpires.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game, and they must umpire one game before returning to their team.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire judgment.
- If there is a protest on a rule interpretation, it must be lodged before the next pitch.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins
- If play ends with both teams tied, then international tie breaker rules will be applied during extra innings. Last batter at 2nd with no outs.
- Balk rule is enforced. (A pitcher can fake a pick-off move to 3rd Base while being engaged with the pitching rubber)
- Leading off and stealing allowed.
- Dropped 3rd strike is live.
- MERCY INNING: 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored. In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.
Pony rules are followed with the following exceptions:
- Games will last 7 innings or will end at the appointed time (1 hours, 45 minutes).
- All players on the roster MUST be in the batting line-up, even if they are not playing in the field. The lineup does not change in order based upon substitutions in the game.
- Only one player from the bating team permitted in “on deck” batting circle. All other players must stay behind opening to field from dugout.
- A courtesy runner (who shall be the batter that made the second out) is recommended to run for the catcher where there are two (2) outs and the catcher is on base.
- CUPS - All male catchers in the Pony Division MUST wear a cup.
- Each game will start on time. If a team has less than eight (8) players at game time, then they become the visiting team and bat first. If after their at bat and 15 minutes after game start time they still do not have eight (8) players, then the game will be called a forfeit. Teams with 8 players will not be charged an out for missing player when he is up to bat.
- If you know beforehand that you cannot field a team of 9 players, contact the division commissioner for a list of players you can bring up from a younger division.
- If you bring up a player, they cannot pitch or play catcher. They also must bat at the end of the lineup. Substitute players must exit the game if enough additional regular team players arrive to fill a full roster.
- No taunting, profanity, throwing of equipment or charging the umpire. Also, no yelling or screaming from the dugout at players and umpires.
- If a manager, coach, scorekeeper or player is ejected from a game, he or she is suspended from the team’s next game.
- If a player throws a bat while batting they are automatically out, and the play continues. This is enforced based on umpire judgment.
- If there is a protest on a rule interpretation, it must be lodged before the next pitch.
- Only 3 coaches max are allowed in the dugout or on the field per team. One manager per team should be identified as the head coach before play begins
- If play ends with both teams tied, then international tie breaker rules will be applied during extra innings. Last batter at 2nd with no outs.
- Balk rule is enforced. (A pitcher can fake a pick-off move to 3rd Base while being engaged with the pitching rubber)
- Leading off and stealing allowed.
- Dropped 3rd strike is live.
- MERCY INNING: 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored. In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.
*Rain Outs will be made up if at all possible during the season. If a game is suspended during the game there will be an effort made to get back on schedule if at all possible at which time game will be continued from when it was suspended. All games played one hour or more prior to being suspended will be counted as a full game and not be rescheduled. The score will revert back to the end of the last full inning played.
*Bat Restrictions for all ages: Although we are Pony Baseball affiliated and adhere to the USA bat standard for All Star season we have elected for this year to not require all kids to have a USA bat. Our reason for this is to avoid the need for all parents to purchase a new bat with the USA certification sticker. Our intent is to adopt this rule league wide in the coming years as the USA bats have some safety feature which are key long term. This year, other than All Stars, we will not be enforcing the USA Bat Standard. If you are shopping for a new bat we highly recommend you buy a USA bat. No bat sizes larger than 2 5/8 in diameter.
*Slide Rules for all ages:A slide rule will be enforced at Home when there is a play at the plate. If contact is initiated by the runner, it must be through the process of a slide. Avoid contact rule will be enforced on other bases. It is the base runner’s responsibility to avoid contact with the fielder in possession of or making a play at the ball. Slide or peel off is in effect at all times when the fielder is in possession of the ball. Running into defensive player who possesses the ball will result in runner being called out. Malicious contact; runner will be ejected. A slide rule will be enforced when an infielder is attempting to turn a double-play at second base. If the runner is not close enough to merit a slide, he must peel away from the baseline. The runner and batter/runner will be called out if the runner's not sliding or not peeling away affects the defensive play. Slide rules are the umpire’s discretion and judgement calls.
*Substitution Rules for all ages: If your team is unable to field a team with your own players you can pull subs from the divisions below your division regardless of the team they are on. You can only have subs up to 9 players total and if/when your normal player shows up you will replace the sub with your player. Players must be in current OYB uniform preferably your team (each team should have a minimum of 1 extra). Subs cannot pitch or catch and must bat at the bottom of your lineup. Games can be played with 8 player and no out will be assessed for missing player. 7 players or under will constitute a forfeit.