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Orem Youth Baseball 2024 Season


OYB Monday Night Lights League Rules


OYB Monday Night Lights league plays by Official MLB Rules with the following exceptions:

1.     Game length will be 7 innings (11U, 12U, 13U) and 6 innings (9U, 10U) or no new inning at 1 hour and 45 minutes. If game is tied when time expires or after 7 innings, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker (Last out from previous inning starts on second base, no outs). Hard stop at 2:05 hour mark. At the 2:05 hour hard stop the score will revert back to the score of the last full inning played. If game is still tied it ends as a tie except during tournament play. 

2.     Mercy Rule - 10 run rule after 4 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes. 15 run rule after 3 innings.

3.     4 full innings or 1 hour game play will constitute a complete game when delayed or called because of inclement weather.  Suspended games will resume at point of suspension at a later date.

4.     NO METAL CLEATS. No Restrictions on Bats.

5.     Monday Night Lights Pitching Rules.

Pitch Count Limits and Required Rest Recommendations


Daily Max

0 Day Rest

1 Days Rest

2 Days Rest

3 Days Rest

4 Days Rest




































        *Any player exceeding pitch count rules will be deemed an illegal player. (see rule #24)

6.     9U only:  Base runner may steal or advance to any base after the ball crosses home plate. Batter is automatically out on a 3rd strike. No delayed steal. 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense.  Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored.  In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.

7.     10U only:  Base runner may steal or advance to any base after the ball crosses home plate. Dropped third strike rules apply.  No delayed steal. 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense.  Only on an over the fence Home Run can more than 8 runs be scored.  In the last inning the 8 run rule per inning does not apply for either team. Umpire will determine last inning.

8.     A pitcher CAN NOT fake a pick-off move to 3rd Base while being engaged with the pitching rubber (RULE CHANGE 2024).

9.     You can re-enter the starting pitcher one time.

10.   Pitchers - Maximum of 5 warm-up pitches between innings.

11.   Batting Order: There is no limit to the number of players you have in the starting batting lineup (9 or more).

12.   Batting Order Re-entry Rule: Starters may only re-enter one time and in the same spot in the batting order.

13.   Unlimited Defensive substitutions:  Your defensive lineup is non-related to your batting order. A player may play defense even if they are not in the batting lineup.

14.   Home team will be official scorer unless otherwise designated by umpire. The umpire is the official time keeper and score keeper will write down game start time in the book. 


15.   Protests will not be allowed on judgment calls. Protests must be handled at the time of protest (not after the game). Umpire must confer with MNL for help on a ruling.

16.   A slide rule will be enforced at Home when there is a play at the plate. If contact is initiated by the runner, it must be through the process of a slide. Malicious contact; runner will be ejected.  However, it is the discretion of the umpire if the runner is sliding, attempting to slide, or if there was a malicious contact or if a slide was warranted.


17.   A slide rule will be enforced when an infielder is attempting to turn a double-play at second base. If the runner is not close enough to merit a slide, he must peel away from the baseline. This rule is for the protection of the base runner. The runner and batter/runner will be called out if the runner's not sliding or not peeling away affects the defensive play. This is the umpire’s discretion.


18.  A runner may not hurdle, jump over, or leap over a fielder unless the fielder is lying prone on the ground. Penalty: The runner is out, but the ball remains live unless the umpire calls interference. Note: Jumping over a kneeling fielder is illegal.


19.  No infield before games. Get teams in the dugout and have your teams ready to play on time.

20.   Players can not play for more than one team in any division whether as a regular player or a substitution. Players can play in two different divisions as long as they are age eligible as a regular player or substitution. Players must be registered in MNL system and on the official team roster. Players must be on the roster to be able to play any game. Any player added to a roster at any point after first game will need MNL board approval. Any player not in our system on your roster will be deemed an illegal player. (see rule #24)


21.   Coaches: One coach will identify him/herself as the manager. That coach is the only coach allowed to discuss calls with Umpire. Max of 3 coaches allowed in the dugout during the game. 

22.   Parents: It is the coach’s responsibility to keep their fans under control. If a fan is out of control they will be asked to leave the ballpark. Coach may also ejected based on MNL Official discretion.

23.   Age requirements for all divisions will be April 30th (Age before May 1st). 

24.  Penalty for illegal player will be immediate ejection of player and head coach. They will both also be suspended for the next game.

25.   Please be ready to play at game time. Umpires will start games on time whenever possible. Getting out of the dugout after your game and getting in the dugout prior to your game quickly will help this along.

26.    In a player or coach is ejected from a game they will be suspended for the next game. If player or coach is ejected twice in the season they will be suspended for the remainder of the season.

27.    No playing of music at ballpark during the ball game.

28.    Show respect to the umpires, your players, and your opponents. 

29.    Please keep dugouts clean and remove trash after your games.

30.    Have fun and enjoy the greatest game of baseball.