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Orem Youth Baseball 2025 Season

News Detail


Jan, 2025

SKIP Birthday Celebration

COME JOIN US! OYB will be hosting a celebration to honor our late friend’s birthday. This will be a great opportunity to be with our baseball family and share memories of the ballpark and of our much loved and missed Skip McWhorter.  This is also to raise awareness of our fundraising campaign we are doing to install a tribute at the ballpark. The board, including Skip, have talked for years about having our friends at Big Statues put up a tribute on our fields to represent all that OYB stands for. Child with their parent, sons with their dad, player with their coach. A tribute to all the hours volunteers spend with the youth. Now we have the opportunity to not only bring the OYB message to life but to include a memorial to Skip and having this be in his likeness will be both fitting and inspiring. Detains below.

Platinum - $10K Donation
Gold - $5K Donation
Silver - $1K Donation
Bronze - $100-$900 Donation

All Other Donations Welcome

Donate thru the link below

Donate thru Orem Community Foundation               Tax Deductible