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Orem Youth Baseball 2024 Season


If you are interested in becoming an umpire for OYB you must first register in our system whether you are new to OYB or have been umpiring for us for years. Go to the Register button in the top right hand corner and register for the OYB Umpire option. You only have to create one account so you can register for both OYB league and umpire within your account. 

You must be at least 12 years old. Our umpires are made up of experienced adult umpires to first year umpires and we use our different divisions of skill level to help train our umpires. Umpires are the only paid people at OYB so we take training them and their commitment seriously. Many of our umpires are also players in the league or alumni of OYB.

We will hold training prior to the season which you will be required to attend. Registering and attending all training does not guarantee your being given games but is a requirement to be considered. These trainings will be great for your overall understanding of the game.

Please direct questions to our umpire coordinator:

Jared Wood

[email protected]